About Us - The Autohall
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About Us

Find Out Our Story

For the Love of Vroooom!

It all starts with a passion. Our owner has always had a strong interest in and enthusiasm for the automotive industry. Since the beginning of his business, his interest in the automotive world has gradually led him to collect many rare vehicles, namely Supercars.


Amid his hectic schedule, he finds time to devote to the upkeep of his rare cars. 


Without realizing it, he was amassing an increasing number of vehicles. “Should I make a special place for my cars?” he wondered. 


That’s how The Autohall began; a way to turn this vehicle into a special place and location, a magnificent and worthy Hall.


He began his search for the ideal location. Fortunately, we discovered a hilly location in the south of Jakarta. In 2018, a hall with a very functional building style was built. The Autohall, with a total land area of 1000sqm, is an ideal location to be the primary home for his rare vehicles. 


This location is ideal not only for displaying these luxury vehicles, but also for meetings, small exhibitions, and social events. 


The Autohall will open its main office in the Distrik Otomotif, Pantai Indah Kapuk 2, in July 2023, a location dedicated to automotive enthusiasts in Indonesia.

Rare collections0%

European Cars0%

Luxury SUV collections0%

Cars with <5 Years Old0%

15+ years of experience

Our staff has come from enthusiasts who worked in major luxury manufacturers for more than 10 years. It guarantees that you will be served with dedication and enthusiasm that brings your toys pampered and cared for to the max.